Christian marriage and intercourse should not be something difficult to discuss and practice. Rather it should be seen as a great gift to be celebrated. While there are many critiques of Christian sex practice and what should and shouldn't be allowed within Christian marriage and intercourse, there are some general ideals that hold solid across the board.
1. Find common ground. Within Christian marriage and intercourse a couple should find common ground where they can accomplish both satisfaction and agreement. Sex is such a wide open area, that if one particular position or practice is not pleasing, physically or morally, with one's partner then there are literally hundreds of other ways to celebrate the gift of sex.
2. Maintain openness, communication, and compassion. Being open and sharing feelings with one another is a must in order to practice good Christian communication. And it can create more open doors for intimacy and passion. Even extremely close Christian couples can suddenly clam up and avoid discussion regarding Christian marriage and intercourse. If this behavior is not reversed it can easily become commonplace and thus a seemingly permanent Christian communication block. Being open and discussing likes and dislikes can only strengthen a relationship. If dislikes or limitations are discussed, rather than viewing these certain things as limitations, view them as opportunities to seek out and practice even more passionate and creative ways to celebrate Christian marriage and intercourse.
Common ground and communication can make the difference between a cold and closed off Christian relationship and a very passionate and strong Christian marriage.
Want to learn Christian marriage and intercourse techniques? Check out Here you can quickly learn passionate ways to strengthen and celebrate Christian marriage. |
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