Monday, September 1, 2008

Christian Marriage Sex Advice

For a Christian marriage to sexually work both lovingly and religiously, a Christian couple should practice the following important guidelines:

1. Your union as a Christian married couple is paramount in importance and both it and God should always be at the "heart" of your existence. No matter what you have going on, your Christian marriage is always number one. And part of celebrating, practicing, and fulfilling that number one slot, Christian couples should stay committed to learning and engaging in celebratory Christian marriage sex practice. Sex in a Christian marriage can be a easy and enjoyable way to continue placing your Christian marriage as the center of both your lives. It can serve as a powerful reminder of the gift you've given each other, and the gift that God has given the both of you.

2. Take turns when practicing Christian marriage sex.

To keep the flow moving steady, or if it needs a quick jump start now again, it's important to take turns in finding ways to celebrate your Christian marriage sex. Various Christian sex toys exist which could be purchased by either the husband or wife. A few weeks later the opposite party could purchase a Christian sex manual showing allowable techniques and tricks. The Christian wife could ask the Christian husband what kind of lingerie he would like to see on her. The Christian husband could ask his wife what kind of lotions or night time fragrances she likes. Constantly taking turns adding in new Christian sex ideas or Christian sex toy items can serve as a marvelous way to keep a Christian marriage working strong both sexually and spiritually.

Interested in Christian sex techniques, positions, and toys? Here's a Christian sex manual which provides very unique insight and tools for Christian sex - CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SEX TIPS

Learning techniques, tricks, and information on Christian sex can be accomplished in this Christian sex manual - CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SEX TIPS

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