Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Every Christian Couple should learn about having Sex in Christian Marriage

Here is an online manual which emphasizes how to have Powerful, Spiritual, Life And Love Affirming Sex that can only be found in Christian religion amongst Christian Couples

Here in more detail is what this book covers about sex in Christian relationships:

Christian sex - CLICK HERE for Christian Sex tips and practices -

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christian Intimacy and Christian Sex

Christian intimacy should involve Christian sex practice as a celebration of both each other and of God. Many things can be incorporated into Christian sex that is wholly unique to being Christian. Three very important Christian sex elements to share during intimacy are the following:

1. Learn accepted Christian positions and practice. Through a good online Christian sex research book you can dispel many of the myths of what is accepted Christian sex practice and what's not. There are different opinions for example on issues such as role playing, toys, and rear entry. Opinions will vary but ultimately it is up to the couple to come to their own Christian conclusion based on both research and prayer.

2. Learn about Christian sex tools, aids, or toys. Many intimacy aids targeted specifically towards Christian couples do exist and can be extremely helpful in a Christian relationship. Choosing a Christian sex tool should be an agreeable and fun venture. Essentially you are strengthening your celebration through an accepted Christian intimacy tool, that can add a further element of closeness, with each other and with God.

3. Learn how to pray about Christian sex intimacy. Prayer should be added into Christian sex intimacy as it creates a stronger bond with each other and with God. You are celebrating your love for God's gift of intimacy while asking for his guidance and acceptance. Celebrating through practice and prayer really rounds out the Christian sex experience and can create a strong intimate and religious experience between two Christian couples. A Christian intimacy manual can provide ideas for prayer session, as well as tips and techniques for Christian sex practice.

To gain access to an incredible and informative Christian sex intimacy manual, go to

Here you'll find access to an excellent manual that will answer questions and provide a plethora of Christian sex tools and ideas.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Christian Sex Fulfillment

True Christian sex fulfillment should involve a willingness to learn, explore, exercise, and have fun. Be open to your partners personal desires and preferences, and be willing to practice and exercise to have the best sex experience possible. To achieve fulfillment in Christian sex, there are three very important guidelines to follow.

1. Embrace inexperience. If as a Christian couple you are inexperienced with sex, embrace that instead of feeling embarrassment of any sort. Feel excitement and joy in knowing that both of you can go through the learning process together, with no shame or guilt, only excitement, adventure and ecstasy!

2. An absolutely amazing reward. Envision your journey as adventurous, long lasting, and one that will never ever get old! Many other couples, by the time they get married are actually "burned out" from sex. And many times this is the reason they choose to 'settle down', because sex has become uninteresting and they believe the next phase is settling down, and hence their sex life simmers even further. Where as the couple who, for the first time ever, are seeking Christian fulfillment in marriage sex, they have a long, exciting, sexual journey ahead of them.

3. Practice makes perfect. Christian fulfillment in marriage sex should consist of practice, and performing exercises that will better enhance sexual activity. There are a variety of ways couples can increase marriage sex pleasures. Taking the time to learn different techniques and perform different exercises together will increase the experience of oneness even further. There are quick and easy online Christian sex guides that can add a wealth of both knowledge and pleasure to a Christian relationship.

For an amazing Christian sex online manual, see Here you can learn Christian sex practice, techniques, tricks, rules, and many more ways to spark Christian sex fulfillment.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Christian Marriage Sex Advice

For a Christian marriage to sexually work both lovingly and religiously, a Christian couple should practice the following important guidelines:

1. Your union as a Christian married couple is paramount in importance and both it and God should always be at the "heart" of your existence. No matter what you have going on, your Christian marriage is always number one. And part of celebrating, practicing, and fulfilling that number one slot, Christian couples should stay committed to learning and engaging in celebratory Christian marriage sex practice. Sex in a Christian marriage can be a easy and enjoyable way to continue placing your Christian marriage as the center of both your lives. It can serve as a powerful reminder of the gift you've given each other, and the gift that God has given the both of you.

2. Take turns when practicing Christian marriage sex.

To keep the flow moving steady, or if it needs a quick jump start now again, it's important to take turns in finding ways to celebrate your Christian marriage sex. Various Christian sex toys exist which could be purchased by either the husband or wife. A few weeks later the opposite party could purchase a Christian sex manual showing allowable techniques and tricks. The Christian wife could ask the Christian husband what kind of lingerie he would like to see on her. The Christian husband could ask his wife what kind of lotions or night time fragrances she likes. Constantly taking turns adding in new Christian sex ideas or Christian sex toy items can serve as a marvelous way to keep a Christian marriage working strong both sexually and spiritually.

Interested in Christian sex techniques, positions, and toys? Here's a Christian sex manual which provides very unique insight and tools for Christian sex - CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SEX TIPS

Learning techniques, tricks, and information on Christian sex can be accomplished in this Christian sex manual - CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SEX TIPS

Monday, August 25, 2008

Christian Wife-Christian Sex

There are various ways a Christian wife can understand and celebrate Christian sex. It's a powerful bond which is a gift from God and putting Christian sex practice in the following shimmers of light will greatly illuminate the celebration which God intended:

1. Understand your Husbands sexual fire. Males were made by God in a manner to which they view things in a very physical sense. That physical sense translates over to strong sexual desires. Women are more apt to thrive on other more subtle and sweet details like affection rather than 24 hour sex on the mind. Both views should be understood and accepted. To make it a even trade and be able to obtain affection from your husband, the Christian wife should understand her husbands desires, needs and wants, while fulfilling them, so as a return gesture of, say, hand-holding affection can be created.

2. Practice Sex because it equals God. Sex is God, and by that I refer to the idea that sex is indeed a gift from God. It comes from God, thus it is God. Praising God for this almighty gift, as well as praying about Christian sex are ways to become closer to God and more intimate in your relations with your husband.

3. Learn Christian Sex. There are many Christian Sex manuals available, some of them online, which you will learn a great deal about both techniques and Christian sex rules. Those are the big two: learning God's view on sex, and learning techniques and all the acceptable erotic pleasures which Christian sex offers. Learning how you can be both an amazing Christian wife and an amazing Christian lover is a two prong formula that can't go wrong within a healthy Christian marriage!

Interested in Christian sex technique and guidelines? This online Christian sex book answers every question under the sun regarding intimate and erotic Christian sex practice - Learn how to become a better Christian wife sexually with this amazing and rare guide book.