Monday, August 25, 2008

Christian Wife-Christian Sex

There are various ways a Christian wife can understand and celebrate Christian sex. It's a powerful bond which is a gift from God and putting Christian sex practice in the following shimmers of light will greatly illuminate the celebration which God intended:

1. Understand your Husbands sexual fire. Males were made by God in a manner to which they view things in a very physical sense. That physical sense translates over to strong sexual desires. Women are more apt to thrive on other more subtle and sweet details like affection rather than 24 hour sex on the mind. Both views should be understood and accepted. To make it a even trade and be able to obtain affection from your husband, the Christian wife should understand her husbands desires, needs and wants, while fulfilling them, so as a return gesture of, say, hand-holding affection can be created.

2. Practice Sex because it equals God. Sex is God, and by that I refer to the idea that sex is indeed a gift from God. It comes from God, thus it is God. Praising God for this almighty gift, as well as praying about Christian sex are ways to become closer to God and more intimate in your relations with your husband.

3. Learn Christian Sex. There are many Christian Sex manuals available, some of them online, which you will learn a great deal about both techniques and Christian sex rules. Those are the big two: learning God's view on sex, and learning techniques and all the acceptable erotic pleasures which Christian sex offers. Learning how you can be both an amazing Christian wife and an amazing Christian lover is a two prong formula that can't go wrong within a healthy Christian marriage!

Interested in Christian sex technique and guidelines? This online Christian sex book answers every question under the sun regarding intimate and erotic Christian sex practice - Learn how to become a better Christian wife sexually with this amazing and rare guide book.