Friday, August 1, 2008

Christian Sex Toy Tips

A Christian sex toy can be very much allowable within Christian marriage. By following these tips, you can include one or many in your relationship in a safe, fun, and loving manner.

Focus first on safety. Christian couples should first focus on safety when choosing an intimacy aid or toy. If it poses obvious harm to either individual, then it should not be used, and really should not be considered as one. By focusing on safety first you can automatically eliminate some of the obvious threats, and then focus on the special type of toys which will work in your marriage.

Make it a generic type item. In other words there are some intimacy aids out there designed to look like another individual, or in some way are attached to another individuals identity, usually someone of fame or celebrity. Obviously this shouldn't be brought into a Christian couples intimacy practice. It is too close to the idea of bringing a third party into the intimate practice of sexual intimacy. Your relationship should solely be a celebration between the both of you, and should only identify with the both of you.

Look for enhancement, not worship. This refers to a Christian sex toy acting as an aid or enhancer during intimacy, rather than serving as an element where the couple has to rely on an item to practice their intimacy. Rather they should only employ a intimacy toy to enhance the practice of intimacy. Worshiping an item and making it the focal point of intimacy should not be practiced.

Researching the best Christian sex toy can be extremely fun, exciting, and is a great way to bring each other intimately closer. There are excellent Christian-based intimacy manuals which will provide an array of ideas for acceptable intimacy aids which can be used in a fun and loving way.

For detailed Christian sex toys, as well as various Christian sex techniques, see this excellent manual at

Here you can find incredible online material which provides Christian sex rules, practices, and sound sex toy ideas.

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