Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sensual Love Making Tips

Sensual love making requires one to follow effective, proven, and time honored techniques. Magic formulas, complicated and uncomfortable positions, and lame pillow talk never works for true, erotic and sensual love making. It always comes down to the tried and true techniques, and then simply mastering them or creating a twist to them. Here are a few proven ways to effectively light the fire for serious sensual love making.

1. Heat up your foreplay. Sensual love making can rely heavily on whether your foreplay is up to par. You cannot expect to go into a sensual love making situation full throttle without priming the situation first. It really is essential to heat up your foreplay sessions as hot as you can, of course without boiling over! It will greatly raise arousal and excitement, and thus can bring even the most standard love making session to incredible heights.

2. Let your fingers do the touching. Touch and tenderness go hand and hand. Hence the more you touch, the more tender you become. Touch should be applied all over the body, though not to the point of excessive groping; rather there are areas one should concentrate on specifically which include the face, the back of neck and shoulders, above the knees, and the feet. There are other areas of erotic touch one can find in online manuals or e-books, which will further induce elements of both tenderness and eroticism.

3. Master your speed, tempo, and thrusts. Here's a big secret to sensual love making that can be applied specifically to the individual, based on their own preference. Some enjoy more of a slow rhythm while others prefer a more steady and fast pace. Discovering your partners specific preference for tempo really can turn you into an amazing sensual lover. It's best to practice both slow tempo, mild tempo, and fast tempo, so you'll be ready to apply it when you discover your partners personal sensual love making preference.

For specific sensual love making positions, techniques and games, see
Here you'll find a resource for a vast assortment of proven love making skills and techniques which one can learn very easily.

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